Southampton Astronomy

Compact Objects and Time Domain Astronomy

Choose Southampton for top class teaching and research

Research and teaching work together at Southampton. Undergraduates get a feel for research in their undergraduate modules, particularly the final year research projects, and via summer work placements in the research group. Postgraduates are encouraged to assist with teaching, especially via specialised Mayflower studentships.

Choose Southampton for access to world-class facilities

We are involved in key international space missions such as Astrosat, Cassini, Cluster, INTEGRAL, MMS, NICER, NuStar, Swift and XMM-Newton. We operate state-of-the-art auroral instrumentation in the Arctic, and are involved in many international collaborations, including ePESSTO, LSST, and 4MOST Members of our group regularly travel to telescopes and research groups around the world. The NTT at La Silla is one such example; Rob, Chris and Georgios, from our Supernova group, explain more in this video:



Study opportunities

Undergraduate degrees in astronomy and physics

Latest PhD opportunites, including possible research projects.


Many of our staff and postdocs are on prestigious fellowships, including:

STFC Ernest Rutherford Fellowships

Expressions of interest invited by July 15th - see here for further details.

Royal Society University Research Fellowships

European Research Council funding schemes

Marie Sklodowska-Curie Research Fellowships

Newton International Fellowships

Please contact the Head of Astronomy Group or a member of staff if you are considering Southampton as your host for one of these. Please contact us well ahead of the various scheme submission deadlines, as there are often internal (Southampton) deadlines before the official submission date.